Sunday School
Bible Study Groups
Executive Board
General Meetings
LWR Kits
Worshiping Congregation is invited to gather near the piano in front of the sanctuary following Sunday worship each Sunday in Lent for fifteen minutes to become familiar with Bread of Life liturgy setting of the liturgy.
A Palm Sunday Cantata sponsored by the Karlstad Area Ministerial Association will be held on April 9th at 7:00 p.m. at the Karlstad Baptist Church.
This year we will again share our Holy Week worship services with Zion Lutheran Church in Lake Bronson.
The Maundy Thursday Communion service will be at Zion on Thursday, April 13, at 7:00 p.m. The Maria choir will be singing at that service, and Sadie Hart will be the organist/pianist for the service.
The Good Friday service will be at Maria on Friday, April 14, at 7:00 p.m. Confirmation students will provide leadership by reading Scripture, as participants in the dramatic reading of the Passion account from John's Gospel as well as leading the bidding prayers. The Maria choir will also be singing at this service.
Please show your support for our partnership with Zion as we enter the holiest days of the Christian year!
Updated February 2006